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My Story: My TB is cured

I stuck with the treatment plan

I found out that I had TB when I was 11 and in sixth grade. I was coughing a lot, sweating at night and losing weight. I was tired all the time. My mom took me to the clinic. There, they did a TB test. The next day I was called back and told that I have TB.

I was scared. But the nurse told me that I was going to be fine. They said that TB can be cured. They gave me these big pills, the size of small coins. The nurse said it was important to take the entire course.

I was so sick that I had no hope left. But my mom and my best friend were always there for me. They prayed with me, and gave me hope and strength. I took my medication every day. In the third month I started to feel better. I was getting stronger day by day. I even went back to school.

Everyone at school knew I’d had TB. Some of the girls were mean to me. One day I asked to use a classmate’s lip balm. The mean girls said to me ‘we won’t lend it to you because you are sick.’

They teased me, saying ‘you have bad mouth and we won't let you use our lip balm. We don't want to have a bad mouth like yours.’ They all laughed at me. My best friend say I should just ignore them.

I took my treatment for six months. I ate fruit and vegetables to keep my body healthy. I never missed an appointment with the clinic. Soon, I started feeling like myself again. I am so proud of myself. I am a fighter and I made it.

TB can be treated and cured successfully. If you are worried make sure to visit your clinic and get a TB test.

This story was written by Tune Me community member.


6 comments Log in to comment


TB can easily be treated if we visit hospital once we see the signs

5 years, 8 months Ago Report

Recent Replies

Tune Me Moderator

That is very true TB is quite curable and can be treated if one adheres to medicine.

5 years, 7 months Ago


I think TB is curable believe in yourself and have faith

5 years, 8 months Ago Report

Recent Replies

Tune Me Moderator

Cream, you are absolutely correct the vast majority of TB cases can be cured when medicines are provided and taken properly.

5 years, 7 months Ago
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