Drinking too much can ruin your life. Trust me, I know.
It all started out as a fun night out. We went to get a few drinks at a nearby bar. I don’t really drink much and I am not sure why I did that night. A few drinks turned into a lot of drinks…
When my cousin's boyfriend decided to leave, I remembered I also wanted an early night so I walked with him. My cousin stayed behind. She didn’t think anything of us leaving together. She trusted us.
We walked and talked quietly in the dark. I don't know how it happened or what came over us, but we started kissing. My heart was beating. It was wrong - but so exciting! I could feel he was excited too. The alcohol made me feel like I didn’t care about anything and I let it take control.
We kissed outside the corner of his house - in plain view of his street, not even hidden in the darkness. Maybe the alcohol, the attraction and the fear of getting caught made it even more exciting.
But now I hate that night. I would do anything to go back and undo it. I can't even face her because I wouldn't know what to say. I feel so ashamed. I know that she will find out eventually. I wish I could turn back the clock.
The worst thing is that I did this it to myself.
Drinking too much can lead to poor judgment - and bad decisions. Know your own drinking limit so you don't find yourself in situations you can't handle - or that you’ll live to regret.
2 comments Log in to commentMasbu
Indeed, alcohol steals a person's inhibitions and one will eventually end up in actions will be ashamed of later. So be careful not to start at all because one drink invites the second, then the third, then the whole case!!!!
6 years Ago ReportRecent Replies
Tune Me Moderator
Thank you very much Masbu. One must drink responsibly and think of the consequences of alcohol. Also drinking while below the age of 18 is against the law.
6 years Ago