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Content appropriate for readers 15 and older

Masturbation Advice

Your Questions Answered

Masturbation is when you play with yourself in a sexual way to feel pleasure. You can bring yourself to orgasm or just enjoy your own body.

Is it bad for you?
No, isn’t harmful. It is natural and normal. In fact, masturbation is one way to learn about your body without the risks of having sex. There are a lot of myths and incorrect information about masturbation. It does not cause physical or emotional problems or affect your ability to have satisfying sexual relationships in the future.

Does everybody masturbate?
Not everybody masturbates. It is against some people’s personal or religious values. It’s a personal choice.

What’s mutual masturbation?
This is when you masturbate together with a lover.

Can you masturbate too much? If masturbation become painful or if it is disrupting your life by keeping you from studying or doing other important things, it is too much. Some people masturbate every day or even a few times a day. It can help you control sexual urges. But remember you don’t always have to do it, you need time for other things in your life too!

Masturbation is safe sex! Want to know more about how a body responds to sex? Read more below


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Hmm good news

5 years, 11 months Ago Report

Recent Replies

Tune Me Moderator

Do you think is the right thing to masturbate?

5 years, 9 months Ago


Masturbation is improper and affect a person's thinking ability...

6 years Ago Report

Recent Replies

Tune Me Moderator

That is not true, Ray masturbation does not is not improper for a person.It allows one to discover themselves sexually. It does not cause physical or emotional problems or affect your ability to have satisfying sexual relationships in the future.

5 years, 11 months Ago
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